INVITATION TO GENERAL ASSEMBLYThe members of the Agricultural Cooperative of Episkopi Fruits are invited to a Regular General Assembly, in accordance with Decision No. 14/04-06-2024 of the Board of Directors,…
INVITATION TO GENERAL ASSEMBLYThe members of the Agricultural Cooperative of Episkopi Fruits are invited to an Extraordinary General Assembly, in accordance with Decision No. 17/15-5-2023 of the Board of Directors,…
ANNOUNCEMENT FOR NEW MEMBER REGISTRATIONSThe Agricultural Cooperative of Episkopi Fruits (A.S. EPISKOPI) informs that it will accept applications for the registration of new members-farmers until April 15, 2024.For more information,…
INVITATION TO GENERAL ASSEMBLYThe members of the Agricultural Cooperative of Episkopi Fruits are invited to an Extraordinary General Assembly, in accordance with Decision No. 7/20-02-2024 of the Board of Directors,…
INVITATION TO GENERAL ASSEMBLYThe members of the Agricultural Cooperative of Episkopi Fruits are invited to a Regular General Assembly, in accordance with Decision No. 39/11.12.2023 of the Board of Directors,…