
The kiwi plant belongs to the order THALES and most likely originates from China. Its most important species are ACTINIDIA DELICIOSA and ACTINIDIA CHINENSIS. It is a subtropical plant that thrives in areas with a relatively mild climate.

At the end of the 1970s, the first kiwi plants were planted on the Episkopi farm by a few visionary producers. The kiwi plant has proven to be fully compatible with the local microclimate, and its position is continuously consolidating.

Today, approximately 2,500 plants are cultivated, with a trend towards further expansion of the cultivated area. The kiwis produced are of excellent quality due to forty years of experience and the adoption of the most modern cultivation practices.

The largest volume of production is exported to countries such as the USA, Canada, Spain, France, Poland, Ukraine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Singapore, the Philippines, and others.


VarietiesMarketing Period
GREEN LITEOctober - March
TSECHELIDIOctober - March
HEYWORDOctober - March
CLONE 8October - March


DescriptionDimensions (cm)Net Weight (Kg)
Cardboard box30 x 40 x 2010 (Bulk)
Single-row paper box 30 x 50 x 6,53
Cardboard box60 x 40 x 1410 (Cup)
Plastic Frame30 x 50 x 1910 (Bulk)